Program Lineup / Schedule
- KCNTV Channel 4
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Caribbean Passport
This 30 minute programming gives you insights into the Tourism Industry across the region and around the world. Regional festivals and cultural activities.
Tourism, Culture, Foods etc. Caribbean Region
Anguilla Diary Magazine
KCNTV4 flagship 1 1/2 minutes daily programming on what is happening in and around the communities in Anguilla, and the Caribbean Region. Hosted by Rosanna Browne.
The 'Anthony' Journal
‘Linking people with people’ Politics, Education, Sports, Culture, social issues and more. Hosted by Colwayne Pickering.
Local & Regional:- Interviews with key People in business Communities and Government
Life Magazine
Out of Trinidad.
Caribbean News Broadcast
News, information and happenings in the region. Breaking News, Politics, Education, Social Issues and what’s happening in our communities.
From the various islands 9.30pm (Monday to Friday) and rebroadcast early next morning at 7:00am.
KCN Sports Discussion
Aired every weekend. Discussions, Interviews and commentary addressing the development in sports locally across the region and internationally. Hosted by: Carl Thomas / Cardigan Connor.
Local and Regional with an International Prospect
Caribbean Entertainment
Music Videos, interaction with local entertainers and cultural Events, Shows, The Arts Poetry and more (Local & Regional)
Caribbean Workout
30 minutes daily workout keep-fit programmes.
NGO's / Religious Programs
Local, Regional and International